Well, I have finally got the most important protocols for my Genealogy Do-Over roughed out this morning (and I do mean rough...). I have to be missing some important things. What are those? Advice?
This is just the primary things, and then also my Evernote plan. I am working on things specific to my gen-program use, too, but those aren't ready for 'peer review'....
(RM is RootsMagic. EN is Evernote)
I will follow the Genealogical Proof Standard:
- Perform a reasonably exhaustive search
- Create complete and accurate source citations
- Analyze and correlate all of the collected information
- Resolve any conflicting evidence
- Create a soundly reasoned, coherently written conclusion
I will go slowly!
I will start with myself, including facts, sources, and the beginning of a continuing narrative.
I will put in three generations of bare-bones names, birth and death dates, so that events can be shared in RM as I work from each source. I will only add another generation if the new source warrants it, and sharing events needs to happen.
I will keep the relatively new and simple file structure I have, for now, already stored in DropBox. To-Do: I will begin my do-over work, however, by moving out the sparse content currently filed there into EN, since many of those pieces were not handled properly. Things move into the structure when they are done right!
I will start with the source:
- I will save each source digitally, if at all possible.
- I will source each document correctly and completely, using the Evidence Explained styles (ref."EE") in RM, including quality, and any comments. I will also add transcriptions in citation details unless the digital source is clear, or if it is otherwise advisable.
- I will attach the image of the source/citation to the source media in RM.
- I will retrieve every detail from that source, with the help of Evidentia in most cases, and fully analyze those details.
- I will then create events in RM for the individuals involved in that source, so that the source media item can be tagged to them at the event level, not just the person level.
- For any problem person (someone with significant conflicting information, or a brick wall), I will use Evidentia for ALL sources that mention them, or that might have possible implications for them.
I will use the research log in RM.
- I will approach the research efforts as "research sessions", beginning with the log entry.
- If I begin to follow a new lead, I will stop, complete the log entry for the first goal, and set up the new lead as a new goal in the log.
- If I stumble across information about a person not in the original goal, I will stop, and set up a research log entry for that person, detailing what was found.
- I will be complete in the entries of what I want to find, where I look, what search terms I tried, and the results of the search, positive or negative.
In research and analysis I will work on the FANs (friends, associates, neighbors) as carefully as I do on the primaries.
Evernote will be a set of working files, not the primary genealogy storage system, although all notes will remain there for later access. The HUGE number of images and documents I am moving into Evernote from all over my computer and a couple of old hard drives is being handled exclusively through tags, as will be future notes. The Evernote-use protocols here are at the gather-up-and-analyze-for-a-person end of things.
I will use a subnotebook under the Genealogy notebook for each person currently being worked on. I am calling that subnotebook a "Person Page".
Long before I approach the notebook limit, the earliest person pages will have been exhaustively searched, and fully entered into RM and the digital file structure. Their individual person pages will no longer be needed. From their person page, I will select all the notes there, and move them into an umbrella notebook under Genealogy: Paternal, Maternal, Biological subnotebooks. I can then delete their person page. All the notes will still be searchable, but notebook capacity will be available for new people.
Any newly found notes on people who no longer have an active person page will be placed in a single subnotebook in the Genealogy notebook called "New Finds To Analyze".
Each Person Page will have a few notes pinned to the top using serial **.
Notes to be pinned to the top of each person page include:
- Copy of the Individual Summary Report from RM, renewed as it develops, for easy reference.
- Source Checklist for the time period relevant for the person. Complete the full template, and place on current person pages, eliminating irrelevant items.
- To-Do List for that person.
- A 'Notes' note, for any thoughts, any developing hypotheses, quick remembrances, etc. The one note may become several: 'Notes-Profession', Notes - Residence', etc.
- All notes in EN relevant to that person will be gathered up via search and tags, and moved to that person page.
- All other notes can sort within the person page as they happen to, and will be found with tags or search.
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