Tuesday, January 20, 2015

WAHOO!!! Breaking out the Champagne!


I've been doing the Do-Over pretty much all-in.  But in addition to the craziness of figuring out the priorities and protocols, the plans and methodologies, and precisely how things should be handled, and setting up the new tree, I had another little sideline project I had been working on since before Christmas....

It had to do with my computer files EVERYWHERE!  My big elephant in the room. Well, make that MANY rooms.  A great many rooms....  Rooms with closets, painted-over cupboards, hidden passageways.  And content hidden in every little corner.

I really felt that I had to get them all gathered together, and at least roughly organized, so I knew what I had.  A large number of the "documents that are expensive or very difficult to replace", both legal and important to pull for the Do-Over, were hiding in there. Somewhere in there.    "I know I have that...."    And for everything not in that category, I would at least know where the stuff was so I could set it aside!

In the past, I have been only marginally bad at just adding tree branches from others' trees.  But I have been RABID about going on free-form searches, and gathering bits, saved in "to be sorted" files, "lots of Carricks" files, "analyze these" files,  "Wow Peck Docs" files. Pick any dumping-ground filename.  I've probably used it.

Been doing this for decades....  Oh, my....

So I have been finding and moving all these from wherever they are, and putting them in Evernote, well-sorted, titled, and tagged, so I can find them.  (What a concept!)
A friend got the content from two old hard drives onto a flash drive, and the content in those two old drives was gradually moved out and handled.  I have dug into the current computer, and gathered up everything, from everywhere, and ditto.

Since just before Christmas,  I have found, moved, and at least sort of organized 1.6 GB of old files and finds!!!  And today, just this afternoon, I DELETED both the *Big Sort Job* folder and the *Temp Import File* folder in Evernote.  They were EMPTY!

Oh, my... That felt good!  Understatement....

So now, I can find the image of the register for my parents' marriage. And the 1930 and 1920 census images for them, and aunts and uncles and grandparents,  that I cannot afford now.  And newspaper articles about my great-uncles that I cannot afford now. And other such document images as I move along.

And as I move along, I will fill out the research log as I look for a specific item for a person, but then I will STOP, and check my own Evernote for that first.  I may have 3 copies already there!  


  1. Congratulations! That is huge!

    I know because I really need to organize my stuff. And it's an intimidating job.

  2. Intimidating it is! I have been at this for last few months and flushed out copies and copies into recycling bin and in process, found missing documents and photographs hidden from me for over 10 years. Piece by piece, now I am seeing empty space in my storage area and copies of documents digitized and properly filed.
